Our Solutions

Our Product Overview
Digital Coupons
Digital Coupons Are The Way To Trigger Your Audience.
Digital coupons are a powerful tool to help you bring people into your business.
Require people to fill out their data before they’re allowed to benefit from your coupon.
Furthermore, digital coupons provide loads of insights and statistics.
Did you know Digital Coupons are the ultimate traffic generators? They bring people into your business.
Easily collect customer data by adding specific claim methods that have to be fulfilled to unlock the discount.
Furthermore, digital coupons provide you with an excellent overview of your ROI.

Digital Vouchers
Using eCouponGenie, our experts can Create and distribute Digital Vouchers. Collect instant payments through Stripe, PayPal and PaymentWall & others.
Thanks to the rise of the smartphone, people are connected at all times.
Businesses should respond to this by providing Digital Vouchers to the right audience at the perfect time. This way you stimulate brand awareness, improve your reputation and trigger conversions.
Digital Payment Vouchers are convenient to receive payments through a Digital Voucher. It’s perfect for generating revenue quickly and opens the possibility of delivering goods later on.
Furthermore, it’s easy to set up where and when the Voucher can be redeemed and gathers a lot of customer insights.
Gamified Coupons
Thanks to the rise of the smartphone, people are connected at all times. Businesses should respond to this by providing Digital Coupons with gamification to the audience. This way you stimulate brand awareness, improve your reputation and trigger conversions.
The online gamification platform to create your own interactive marketing games for your digital marketing strategy to offer experiences and stimulate conversions. No Coding Marketing Gamification Platform.

Digital Coupon Landing Pages
Using eCouponGenie Platform, Our expert designers will create amazing Landing Pages for your digital coupons, vouchers and loyalty cards.
eCouponGenie Landing Page Builder allows our expert designers to create a wonderful Landing Page.Perfectly suitable to display additional information, capture customer data, extra security, or function as a customer portal!
We are your one Stop Shop for creating and publishing Digital Coupons.
Mobile Coupon Directory
Gather all your digital offers in one Digital Coupon catalog.
A Digital Coupon Directory is a collection of all your digital campaigns in one catalog. It’s the perfect tool to group discounts when you’re offering multiple discounts at once.
It’s very dynamic and easy to add or delete campaigns. Furthermore, you only have to advertise one Digital Coupon Directory instead of all your deals separately.

SMS Marketing Software
Use eCouponGenie SMS Marketing Platform to easily send out digital coupons, vouchers, interactive marketing games via SMS. Our SMS marketing platform has all the tools you need to create successful SMS marketing campaigns.
This integration combines the handiness of an SMS marketing software with the flexibility of a bulk SMS web service. On the one hand, you create promotional SMS messages and manage sending lists directly on your desktop: on the other hand, you can connect to one of the leading cloud SMS services to provide reporting and improve your SMS campaigns.
Curious about how the eCoupon Genie improves your mobile marketing?

Marketing Approach
Best-in-class support & consultation from our Customer Success Team.
Our team is dedicated to helping you integrate quickly and run the powerful digital promotions you always dreamed of.
- Dedicated Integration & Customer Success Manager.
- Onboarding & user training for your staff.
- Campaign creation, optimization, and monitoring.